Most common errors in XML feed diagnostics
Critical errors
Duplicate offer name [PRODUCTNAME]
Duplicate offer identifier [ITEM_ID]
Missing availability [DELIVERY_DATE]
Invalid availability [DELIVERY_DATE]
Missing shipping data [DELIVERY]
Invalid EAN or ISBN [EAN / ISBN]
Invalid additional information [EXTRA_MESSAGE]
Invalid store identifier [SHOP_DEPOTS]
Missing offer identifier [ITEM_ID]
Invalid offer identifier [ITEM_ID]
Invalid image URL [IMGURL]
Critical error – offers are not displayed on Zboží.cz.
Warning – the offer is displayed on Zboží.cz, but there are recommendations on what to improve.
Critical errors
Duplicate Offer name [PRODUCTNAME] or identifier [ITEM_ID]
If you have a PRODUCTNAME or ITEM_ID tag with the same value more than once in the XML feed, we consider all these offers as duplicates. In this case, none of these offers will be listed on Zboží.cz.
For each product, the PRODUCTNAME and ITEM_ID tags must be unique so that it is visible to shoppers on Zboží.cz.
For the correct PRODUCTNAME, we recommend reviewing the offer naming rules.
Example of duplicate offers:
Properly named offers:
<PRODUCTNAME>Apple iPhone 15 Pro 128 GB černý titan</PRODUCTNAME>
<PRODUCTNAME>Apple iPhone 15 Pro 128 GB modrý titan</PRODUCTNAME>
If it is not possible to change the offer name in the PRODUCTNAME tag, it is possible to use the VISIBILITY tag with the value 0, thanks to which one of the duplicate offers will not be displayed on Zboží.cz. The second offer will then be visible in the search.
Missing / invalid availability [DELIVERY_DATE]
The DELIVERY_DATE tag is one of the mandatory tags according to the XML feed specification. If you do not fill in this tag, the offer will not be displayed on Zboží.cz.
We recommend that you fill in the DELIVERY_DATE tag to give shoppers on Zboží.cz information that the goods are in stock. Customers generally respond better to offers that are in stock or have a very short delivery time.
Missing shipping data [DELIVERY]
In order to display information about shipping and delivery points for your offers on Zboží.cz, it is necessary to have the DELIVERY tag filled in correctly in the XML feed and to set the shipping and delivery points in the Administration of Zboží.cz under the tabs “Sortiment” – “Doprava”.
Learn how to set up shipping and delivery points via XML feed. Alternatively, you can use the settings of shipping and delivery points only from the Zboží.cz Administration.
Shipping and delivery points are then displayed in the search on Zboží.cz and in the Zboží ads.
Invalid EAN or ISBN [EAN / ISBN]
The EAN or European Article Number must be given as an eight-, twelve-, thirteen-, or fourteen-digit number without spaces. If otherwise specified, it will not be displayed on offers on Zboží.cz.
EAN is an important parameter that plays an important role in the automatic matching of offers to product cards.
The ISBN or International Standard Book Number is an important parameter that plays an important role in the automatic matching of offers to product cards.
It is given in ISBN-10 or ISBN-13 format. A ten- or thirteen-digit number is accepted, either without spaces, or a space or hyphen may be used as a group separator. However, separators may not be combined.
Invalid additional information [EXTRA_MESSAGE]
EXTRA_MESSAGE is used to provide additional information about the offer. The additional information must be filled in according to the specification in order to be displayed correctly.
Texts (e.g. “Free Gift”) are also displayed for the offer in Zboží Ads and the Dynamic Banner of Sklik. With EXTRA_MESSAGE you have the possibility to reach customers with a gift or a discount coupon.

Invalid store identifier [SHOP_DEPOTS]
As SHOP_DEPOTS the ID of the Company entry on = ID of the dispensing point is being entered. Therefore, check if you are not entering the shop ID instead of the required ID in the SHOP_DEPOTS tag.
At the same time, you need to check whether you have selected your own delivery points in the Zboží.cz administration. This information can be found under the tabs “Sortiment” – “Doprava”.

See our HELP to learn how to set up shipping and delivery points.
If the SHOP_DEPOTS tag is filled in and the offer has the value 0 (in stock) in the DELIVERY_DATE tag, it can be found on the Zboží.cz website using the “In stock” filter.
Missing / invalid offer identifier [ITEM_ID]
ITEM_ID is a unique identifier of the offer within the e-shop. If you see a “missing offer identifier” error in the diagnostics, then this tag is not present in your XML feed.
If you see the error “invalid offer identifier” in the diagnostics, then the ITEM_ID tag in your XML feed contains invalid characters. Any combination of characters [0-9, a-z, A-Z, _ , -], i.e. numbers zero to nine, upper and lower case letters without diacritics, and underscores and hyphens are allowed.
We recommend to add or correct the ITEM_ID tag. Thanks to this tag, you will always be able to uniquely identify an offer and track its history and performance within Zboží.cz, even if its URL or name changes.
Invalid image URL [IMGURL]
The error in the IMGURL tag is probably related to unauthorized characters in the URL.
We recommend correcting the URL of the image, otherwise your offers will be displayed without product images on Zboží.cz.