Conversion code

If you want to track the benefits of your Zboží.cz campaign and have publicly available ratings and feedback from verified customers, you can place measurement codes on your site. These will be used to provide more detailed statistics and send satisfaction surveys to customers who have used Zboží.cz services.

We have two types of measurement:
Standard measurement
Limited measurement

We recommend deploying standard measurement that allows you to measure the number of orders placed and their values, giving you a better idea of how your campaigns are performing.

When deploying standard measurement, you will also be able to use our API, which allows you to use third-party bidding tools or your own solution. We also recommend using the API if you need to update prices frequently – the changes will be reflected on Zboží.cz earlier than when downloading the XML feed. You can find out what all our API allows in the technical documentation.

The limited measurement is similar to the standard measurement. However, it is not possible to use the Zboží.cz API and get ratings from verified customers. E-shops with this measurement can be reviewed by anyone.

Need more help?

If you are still unsure, please contact our consultants.