
Your brand can be more visible on Zboží.cz. Each brand is represented in our database by a separate page (example of Tescoma brand), under which all its existing product cards and offers are collected. The 8 most searched product cards are visible on the main brand page. The remaining product cards and offers are displayed in the category selection.

By creating your brand, customers will also be able to filter by it in individual categories on Zboží.cz.

We only add brands identifying manufacturers (entities making products) or their brands (a range of products of a manufacturer under a common, already established brand name) to the brand database. An example of a brand can be Oral-B.

We no longer add distributors or resellers to our database.

In addition, to create a brand in the Zboží.cz database, you must meet one of the following two conditions:

  1. At least 5 existing product cards can be found on Zboží.cz
  2. If there are no established product cards, 5 different offers are a prerequisite for the establishment. The e-shops must have different owners.

To facilitate the approval of the brand establishment, it is recommended to send the brand logo and production information (e.g. official website).

Send all information to where we will be happy to create a record of your brand.

If you want to present your brand better to customers, we will add a description and a banner to your brand for a fee. Please send requests to for a description (even for an existing brand).

What documents do we need for processing?

Your brand logo is displayed in the header of the brand detail and in the detail of the product cards of your products.

  • With a resolution of at least 150 × 150 pixels.
  • The recommended format is PNG or JPG.

The brand banner is a complementary graphic element found in the brand detail. Its content is at your discretion for quality brand promotion. However, avoid using banners with limited time information.

  • The size of the banner must be exactly 515 × 950 pixels (portrait).
  • With white or transparent background.
  • In PNG or JPG format.

Brand description

Prepare materials from which to create a brand description (500-1000 characters including spaces, 2-3 paragraphs).

  • The basic focus of the brand, the main pillars, the technologies used, the information that profiles the brand in the eyes of customers.
  • Focus on the company’s product category descriptions – think in general terms, such as “makes mobile phones”, “is the largest seller of portable DVD players”, etc.
  • Mention only timeless information. Do not write about specific individual products or anything that changes over time (e.g. “the current flagship is the Sony Xperia Z” is inappropriate).
  • Only describe the story of the brand so that the information is still up-to-date (year of creation, founder, etc.).

Need more help?

If you are still unsure, please contact our consultants.