Required documentation
Documentation for description
- Press kit, product description, explanation of features, highlighting benefits such as energy efficiency, eco-friendliness and other such.
- Other documents on the basis of which the description can be created.
The product card must meet our internal rules.
We reserve the right not to create a product card due to failure to meet the requirements.
Note: No order will be accepted without delivery of supporting documents.
Documentation for the creation of a brand
- Brand logo
- Banner
- Brand description
What documents we need for the establishment can be found in the brand section.
Images for product creation (gallery)
- Resolution of at least 425 x 440 px (it is always necessary to keep at least one dimension)
- JPEG or PNG format
- Number of ideally 3+
- White background
- Without watermark
- Without manufacturer’s logo
- Without advertising signs and graphics
- No large white frames around the displayed product
- The image must show the product
Images for rich description
- Resolution of at least 425 x 440 px
- JPEG or PNG format
- Number of ideally 5+
- Without watermark
- Without manufacturer’s logo
- Without advertising signs and graphics
- No large white frames around the displayed product
- The image must show the product or its function
Processed rich description
- Informative and factual text that describes the product without marketing phrases
- The text must be up-to-date in the future – terms such as: new, best, high-end, etc. are not used.
- Images must depict the product or be related to the product
- Correct characters (e.g. × instead of the letter x)
Required structure of rich texts:
- Introductory paragraph (the first 2 sentences appear in the product’s perex)
- Key Features – 3 to 6 top product features
- Main title – product name + e.g. adjective
- General paragraph – Adding information, not repeating information from the introductory paragraph
- Optional full-width image – optional
- Optional number of paragraphs with images and headings – images are placed to the left or right of the paragraph and do not always have to be, they can be skipped in the paragraph
- Optional video at the end – can be a youtube link at the end of the text (only official videos)
Full technical specifications of the product
- All technical product parameters
- Delivery in the form of a spreadsheet
Examples of images that do not meet the technical specifications
Bad – redundant borders and grey background

Wrong – redundant white borders

Wrong – logo and graphic elements

Wrong – graphic elements

Example of an image that does not meet the technical specifications
Wrong – the picture does not match the product offered

Example of an image that does not meet the technical specifications
Wrong – poor quality image

Examples of images that meet the technical specifications

Example of an image that meets the technical specifications