Technical terms and conditions of Zboží.cz
Factors for the ordering of offers on Zboží.cz
Searching for offers by text query
In a text query offer search, we rank offers by query match, offer quality, and then offer auction. To provide a diverse selection, we limit the number of offers from the same deal displayed on a single page. Normally, we display a maximum of two offers from the same shop on a single page.
The main factors influencing the order:
- match between the search query and the offer information
- match between the estimated query category and the offer category
- price advantageousness
- shipping and personal collection options
- availability
- quality of the shop according to customer reviews
- historical data on users’ previous interest in the shop’s offers
- reward offered per click
Listing of offers in category
For users searching for products by browsing a category or by entering the category name, we order offers on the basis of the following attributes:
- historical data on users’ previous interest in the shop’s offers
- reward offered per click
Recommended offers on product details
When recommending offers on the product detail, we take into account several factors to make shopping at Zboží.cz as convenient as possible for users.
When making recommendations, we are looking for a balance of shop quality, price, and availability, based on the following attributes:
- price advantageousness
- shipping and personal collection options
- availability
- quality of the shop according to customer reviews
- historical data on users’ previous interest in the shop’s offers
- reward offered per click
Listing of product offers by price
The main attribute of the listing of product offers by price is the sales price of the offer. We sort the offers from the lowest price to most expensive. In the case of multiple offers having the same price, the previous interest of users in the offers of the shops is decisive.