Erotic advertisements on Zboží.cz

Offers will only be issued for erotic and porn related queries so that only offers with erotic or porn related text, keywords or landing page will be shown.

Rules for erotic offers

  • Offers with erotic and porn character must contain the <EROTIC>1</EROTIC> tag in the XML feed.
  • Offers must not contain vulgar language, but may use terms that appropriately describe sexual activity, in an erotic manner, without pornographic elements. No hints of humiliation or discrimination.
  • The use of genitalia and sexual activity may be used in an appropriate style, but not in an inappropriate context that would be vulgar in effect.
  • The omission of letters and their substitution with symbols in vulgar and inappropriate terms may not be used.
  • The Operator reserves the right to require, when a user first enters an e-shop site focused on the sale of erotic related goods, information that the user is entering a site intended only for persons over 18 years of age, for example in the form of a gateway.

Images for erotic e-shop offers

  • More than one model(s) can be displayed.
  • Full rear or front view permitted, but not with legs raised or spread.
  • Kissing and self or mutual sexually suggestive touching may be shown.
  • Limited touching or positions suggesting subtle sexual activity are allowed, without pornographic elements.
  • Sexual activity must not be indicated by any objects.


  • The pubic hair or genital area may be visible, but not the labia or anus.


  • Male genitalia or pubic hair and anus must not be visible.

The display of offers of an erotic nature on Zboží.cz and its content as erotic is the sole responsibility of the Operator. The Operator reserves the right to hide such content on Zboží.cz in case of violation of the rules for erotic offers.

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If you are still unsure, please contact our consultants.