Advertising management in Sklik
You can now start managing your advertising from the Sklik interface and take advantage of its benefits. You’ll be able to see how your different types of ads are performing on Seznam in one place.
Information about your XML feed processing, data diagnostics, conversion tracking settings or the pairing tool will still be available in the Zboží.cz interface.
Use the Sklik tools also in case of max. CPC from feed.
You can move your advertisement to Sklik in the administration of Zboží.cz in the Overview of the establishment (“Přehled provozovny”).
The transfer of advertising control can only be made by the owner of the establishment.

After moving the advertising management, you can access the Sklik administration via the Zboží.cz administration in the Establishment Overview.

Advantages of using Sklik for advertising management:
- Breakdown of the advertised sortiment into multiple campaigns.
- Daily spending budgets.
- Setting the price per click according to your defined assortment groups.
- Separate budget for each campaign.
- Separate multipliers for each campaign.
- Paying for advertising from the same Wallet.
Some things will work differently:
- The Wallet set up in Sklik will be used to pay for the advertisement.
- Multipliers have a different way of setting in Sklik, you may need to set them again.
- Spending limits in the form of a daily budget.
- If you have granted access to the Zboží.cz administration to someone else, it may be necessary to set up similar access to the administration in Sklik.
After moving the ad management to Sklik, the tabs ” Price of click-through” and “Credit and limits” will disappear in the Zboží.cz administration.
Things that will remain in the Zboží.cz interface:
- History of advertising statistics.
- Detailed statistics at the level of individual items.
- Listing data diagnostics.
- Pairing tool.
- Feed settings and information about feed processing.
- Delivery settings.
- Conversion tracking diagnostics.
- APIs including listing statistics.
- Customer reviews.
The transfer of Zboží.cz advertising management to Sklik administration is irreversible.