Other advertising opportunities

Registration of your e-shop in Zboží.cz can also be used for advertising purposes in another advertising system within Seznam.cz. One of the advantages of registration in Zboží.cz is the use of XML feed and data from it in the Sklik advertising system, specifically dynamic retargeting (DRTG), dynamic banner (DB).

Similarly, the XML feed can be used for advertising of unpacked and used goods on Sbazar.

By linking these two advertising systems, you get additional opportunities for visibility of your e-shop, your offer will be seen by customers in more advertising premises. In addition, you will get the opportunity to remind the customer who left your e-shop without completing the order.

It is also possible to use the space on Zboží.cz through banners, either through a campaign in the Sklik administration, programmatically or directly with the merchant.

With the Sklik advertising system, you will attract people who search on Seznam or browse content sites across the Czech Internet. Thanks to this, you can reach more than 95% of the internet population. With pay-per-click, i.e. only per visitor brought to your website, advertising can achieve exactly the goals you need. With Sklik, you are in control of your investment.

Nejčastější dotazy

Přehled nejčastějších chyb naleznete ve Specifikaci XML.

Pro využití reklamy na Sklik (spojením se Zboží.cz) je nutné mít v XML feedu všechny povinné tagy. Každá kampaň si následně vyžaduje své specifické tagy.

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