Limited conversion code
For limited conversion tracking, you need to place a simple JavaScript code on your site and fill in the order number and value. The code can be found in your administration, tab „Aukce a konverze“ – „Měření konverzí“ – „Omezené“.

The code needs to be placed on the conversion page (This is the order confirmation page – the thank you page for the purchase. In this case we are talking about a unique page, which the user will get to only if he completes the purchase process.) displayed after the order is sent/confirmed, its optimal placement is in the header of the page (before ) – calling the script is done asynchronously, so it does not slow down the loading of other elements on the page. However, as with any JavaScript code, it is possible that it will be depreciated during submission (e.g. due to some browser extensions for ad blocking), so we strongly recommend using standard measurements.